Category: Exchange

  • Quickly check if a user or subset of users are part of a ad group that has more than 5000 members. $adgroup = “[group]” $groupdn = (get-adgroup $adgroup).distinguishedname $members = dsget group $grouppn -members $total = foreach ($i in $members){$u = $i.trim(‘”‘); get-aduser $u | select userprincipalname} $total -like “*[unique…

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  •    Quickly find out all the Distribution Groups a user is a member of with a few lines of simple PS code.  $Username = “” $DistributionGroups = Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize unlimited | where { (Get-DistributionGroupMember -ResultSize unlimited $_.Name | foreach {$_.PrimarySmtpAddress}) -contains “$Username”} $DistributionGroups    

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  • Summary: This article documents the what’s, why’s and the how’s of setting up Room Finder and Workspaces in a hybrid Office 365 Exchange Environment. The on-premise environment uses ADC with no write-back enabled. Buildings, Cities, Types, and Filters (Capacity, Floors, Features) A room list is a distribution group. A room list is…

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  • If you havent heard already, Microsoft is taking huge steps to improve the overall security in Exchange Online and Office 365 by disabling basic authentication for legacy authentication protocols therein lies the question of “how” to prepare and shift your organization to adopting modern authentication protocols. In the second half…

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  • $Mailbox = @{ ResultSize = “Unlimited” } $Filter = @{ FilterScript = {$_.PrefixString -ceq “smtp”} } $Select = @{ Property = @{Name=”First Name”;Expression={$_.DisplayName.Split(“,”)[1].Trim()}}, @{Name=”Last Name”;Expression={$_.DisplayName.Split(“,”)[0].Trim()}}, “DisplayName”, “ServerName”, “PrimarySmtpAddress”, @{Name=”EmailAddresses”;Expression={$_.EmailAddresses | Where-Object @Filter}} } Get-Mailbox @Mailbox | Select-Object @Select #Split all SMTP using comma (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |Select-Object DisplayName,ServerName,PrimarySmtpAddress, @{Name=“EmailAddresses”;Expression={$_.EmailAddresses |Where-Object…

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  • Simple script to convert IMCEAEX to X500 Address. $IMCEAEX = Read-Host -Prompt “Enter IMCEAEX string to convert to X500” $IMCEAEX = $IMCEAEX -replace ‘_’, ‘/’ $IMCEAEX = $IMCEAEX -replace ‘\+20’, ‘ ‘ $IMCEAEX = $IMCEAEX -replace ‘\+28’, ‘(‘ $IMCEAEX = $IMCEAEX -replace ‘\+29’, ‘)’ $IMCEAEX = $IMCEAEX -replace ‘\+2E’, ‘.’…

  • In some instances, users with client side rules may  break as they do not get touched in the migration. For any client rules that reference a specific sender/folder/etc they will normally use X500/LegacyDN to identify conditions and will stop working. There is no set limit for the amount of Inbox…

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  • $errors = (Get-MsolContact –ObjectID <Object_ID>).Errors $errors | foreach-object {“`nService: ” + $_.ErrorDetail.Name.split(“/”)[0]; “Error Message: “+ $_.ErrorDetail.ObjectErrors.ErrorRecord.ErrorDescription} $errors = (Get-MsolGroup –ObjectID <Object_ID>).Errors $errors | foreach-object {“`nService: ” + $_.ErrorDetail.Name.split(“/”)[0]; “Error Message: “+ $_.ErrorDetail.ObjectErrors.ErrorRecord.ErrorDescription} $errors = (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName “<User_ID>”).Errors $errors | foreach-object {“`nService: ” + $_.ErrorDetail.Name.split(“/”)[0]; “Error Message: ” + $_.ErrorDetail.ObjectErrors.ErrorRecord.ErrorDescription} Get-MsolUser…

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  • $Perms = Get-ManagementRole -Cmdlet remove-remotemailbox $Perms | Foreach {Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role $_.Name -Delegating $false | Format-Table -Auto Role,RoleAssigneeType,RoleAssigneeName} Role RoleAssigneeType RoleAssigneeName —- —————- —————- Mail Recipient Creation RoleGroup Recipient Management Mail Recipient Creation RoleGroup Organization Management Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role “Mail Recipient Creation” get-rolegroupmember “organization management”

  • Windows Server 2008 can’t do beyond TLS 1.0. Newer versions can, but don’t have TLS 1.1 or 1.2 turned on by default. Best pratice to disable 1.0, 1.1 – mostly depreciated and not supported Check supported protocols: Turn off TLS and SSL Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\SSL…

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