Tag: Exchange Online
To uninstall the existing Exchange Management modules and install the latest one, follow these steps: Uninstall the Existing Exchange Management Module Install the Latest Exchange Online Management Module Make sure that your PowerShell execution policy allows for module installation by setting it to RemoteSigned if necessary:Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser These…
This script automates the generation of a report summarizing different group and mailbox types using Exchange Online and Microsoft Graph, saving the results in CSV and HTML formats. It compares current data with previous reports to highlight changes, then emails the summary with attachments. The script streamlines monitoring of group…
Quickly check if a user or subset of users are part of a ad group that has more than 5000 members. $adgroup = “[group]” $groupdn = (get-adgroup $adgroup).distinguishedname $members = dsget group $grouppn -members $total = foreach ($i in $members){$u = $i.trim(‘”‘); get-aduser $u | select userprincipalname} $total -like “*[unique…
Quickly find out all the Distribution Groups a user is a member of with a few lines of simple PS code. $Username = “johnsmith@hiepic.com” $DistributionGroups = Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize unlimited | where { (Get-DistributionGroupMember -ResultSize unlimited $_.Name | foreach {$_.PrimarySmtpAddress}) -contains “$Username”} $DistributionGroups